Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Scheduling DTS package that executes other DTS packages

Hey guys...

We have a particular process in place that uses many different DTS packages that have to be scheduled. We can successfully run a DTS package from EM. Furthermore, we can successfully schedule a DTS package and run it successfully from SQLServerAgent. And finally... I can create a DTS package that executes other DTS packages and execute it successfully from EM.

Our problem is when I attempt to schedule a DTS package that executes other packages I get an error that says:

Error string: Invalid class string Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts.hlp Help context: 713. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

I've seen all over the place issues regarding the inability to schedule a DTS package... but we are able to do this. This is just limited to those scheduled packages that have an "Execute Package Task" in them.

Thanks in advance...I dont know wich version of server you got..this ansver goes for 7.0 (might also work on 2000).

You can add an "Execute process task" in the package that should execute other packages (one for each package).
It should run DTSrun.exe, the parameters you need is /S ServerName /U Login /P Password /N PackageName

Works for me!|||I am having the same issue as we speak. It seems that I have the SQL 2000 client tools installed on my WS, but the server is running SQL 7 with SQL 7 client tools. There are some new tasks shipped with SQL 2000. The one I am having the issue with is dynamic properties task. When I open the package on SQL 7, I get an error message that says "Invalid Class String", this is caused becauase the server does not have the same tasks or clients tools installed.

Microsofts workaround is to install the SQL 2000 client tools on the server.

I am looking for a workaround without installing SQL 2000 tools in production.

Any Thoughts?


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