Monday, March 26, 2012

scheduling a query

I need to scheduling a query to update some records.
I have to use a script in windows task manager or there is another way?
Many ThanksIf you are using an edition of SQL Server which has an enterprise
manager and therefor a UI for SQL Server Agent, you can just create a
job with your query. Add a new job, add a new step (Transact SQL
Execution), paste your statement in there and add a schedule for it and
voil=E1, you=B4re done. iof you do=B4n=B4t have a GUI, you can use the
goold old fashioned AT to do your jobs. Just schedule your job by the
Windows Scheduler or AT, suing OSQL to run the query: OSQL -SServername
-UUsername -PPassword -Q"Here is my query".
HTH, jens Suessmeyer.|||The SQL Agent is a wonderful wat to schedule a query. Create a job and out
your query in a step.
"Simone" wrote:
> I need to scheduling a query to update some records.
> I have to use a script in windows task manager or there is another way?
> Many Thanks
>|||you can create a job and schedule that
Jobs are under management-->Sql Server agent-->Jobs
make it a one step job paste your query or proc call in the step
command window and schedule the job

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