Hello All!
I have a requirement to set a schedule to run a report on the Tuesday
following the last Saturday of the month. It appears that this is not
possible via the Web UI so I hear I need to schedule it outside SRS. Oh yeah
and to make it more complex, if the Tuesday in in the new month, quarter, or
year then the parameter should select the previous month, quarter, or year
not the default of current month, current quarter, or current year. I think
the last part can easily be handled by getting the parameter values from the
date of the last saturday of the month, which would always give you the
correct month for month end reporting no matter if the next Tues is in the
next month or not.
what I need is the syntax for defining the parameters and rendering the
report. I would also like to specify a network drive where it can be
archived, email a link to an audience, and save a snapshot in history.
Can someone please help me with this? If not all then parts would be
AnthonyI am in the same situation. Were you able to resolve this?
Yes, I searched first :)
"anthonysjo" wrote:
> Hello All!
> I have a requirement to set a schedule to run a report on the Tuesday
> following the last Saturday of the month. It appears that this is not
> possible via the Web UI so I hear I need to schedule it outside SRS. Oh yeah
> and to make it more complex, if the Tuesday in in the new month, quarter, or
> year then the parameter should select the previous month, quarter, or year
> not the default of current month, current quarter, or current year. I think
> the last part can easily be handled by getting the parameter values from the
> date of the last saturday of the month, which would always give you the
> correct month for month end reporting no matter if the next Tues is in the
> next month or not.
> what I need is the syntax for defining the parameters and rendering the
> report. I would also like to specify a network drive where it can be
> archived, email a link to an audience, and save a snapshot in history.
> Can someone please help me with this? If not all then parts would be
> appreciated!!!
> Anthony
>|||Yes. Here is what you do. Create a subscription or a shared schedule but
set it to run only once and make it in the past. This will create a Schedule
ID in the database that you can reference later. Then open the Report Server
Database and return all rows for either the Schedules or Subcriptions table
depending on what you created. Copy the Schdule ID out of the table and make
note of the Event Type.
Now that you have this you can use the following code to fire the report
exec ReportServer.dbo.AddEvent
@.EventType='SharedSchedule', --Enter the event type here from the schedule
table in ReportServer Database
@.EventData='29C3FF88-D0D4-4B8A-A5D3-55DCBA8C215D' --Enter the subscription
ID here from the schedule table in ReportServer Database
I put this code inside the following stored procedure that is executed every
tuesday by a SQL job. If the @.myoutput date = Getdate then it executes the
code above otherwise it does nothing.
--Declare variables
declare @.myoutputdate datetime
declare @.mydate datetime
declare @.minus int
declare @.TuesdayFound char(1)
declare @.subject varchar (255)
--set variables
set @.TuesdayFound='N'
--seed the date with the last day of the month
--a variable to backwards through the days of the month
set @.minus=0
WHILE @.TuesdayFound = 'N'
if datepart(dw,dateadd(dd,(@.minus*-1),@.mydate))=7 -- Find Last Saturday
set @.myoutputdate=dateadd(dd, 3,(dateadd(dd,(@.minus*-1),@.mydate))) --This
will add 3 days to the last Saturday
set @.TuesdayFound = 'Y'
set @.minus=@.minus+1
print @.myoutputdate
if datepart(dy,(getdate()))=datepart(dy,(@.myoutputdate))
exec ReportServer.dbo.AddEvent
@.EventType='SharedSchedule', --Enter the event type here from the schedule
table in ReportServer Database
@.EventData='29C3FF88-D0D4-4B8A-A5D3-55DCBA8C215D' --Enter the subscription
ID here from the schedule table in ReportServer Database
PRINT datename(mm, @.mydate)+ ' ' + datename(yyyy, @.mydate)+ ' Reports Fired '
SET @.subject = datename(mm, @.mydate)+ ' ' + datename(yyyy, @.mydate)+ ' Month
End reports are ready for viewing '
Exec master..xp_sendmail
@.recipients = 'someone@.somewhere.com',
@.copy_recipients = 'someone@.somewhere.com',
@.subject = @.subject,
@.message = 'Month End reports are now available via reporting services.
You can click on the link below and you will be taken directly to the
Month-End reports folder where you may choose to view the most recient
reports or view the history for archived reports.
If you have any questions please send an email to
"Kmistic" wrote:
> I am in the same situation. Were you able to resolve this?
> --
> ---
> Yes, I searched first :)
> "anthonysjo" wrote:
> > Hello All!
> >
> > I have a requirement to set a schedule to run a report on the Tuesday
> > following the last Saturday of the month. It appears that this is not
> > possible via the Web UI so I hear I need to schedule it outside SRS. Oh yeah
> > and to make it more complex, if the Tuesday in in the new month, quarter, or
> > year then the parameter should select the previous month, quarter, or year
> > not the default of current month, current quarter, or current year. I think
> > the last part can easily be handled by getting the parameter values from the
> > date of the last saturday of the month, which would always give you the
> > correct month for month end reporting no matter if the next Tues is in the
> > next month or not.
> >
> > what I need is the syntax for defining the parameters and rendering the
> > report. I would also like to specify a network drive where it can be
> > archived, email a link to an audience, and save a snapshot in history.
> >
> > Can someone please help me with this? If not all then parts would be
> > appreciated!!!
> >
> > Anthony
> >
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