Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Schedule and Delivery Processor errors

Hi all,

We're running into some random errors on our reporting server (Windows Server 2003, SQL Server 2000 Enterprise). In the application logs, we're seeing several Schedule and Delivery Processor errors (ID 108)...one for each processing extension (FileShare, Excel, HTML, etc.). In the security logs, at the same time of day, are several failure audits with the following info:

EventID: 680
Description: Logon attempt by: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0. Logon account: sqluser.

The odd thing is that the schedules that are failing run perfectly about 98% of the time. Once every few weeks we have a situation like this and all of our reports (approximately 200 of them...mostly Excel, all of them sent via E-Mail) fail.

Any ideas as to what might be causing this, and why it would only happen occasionally? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

http://searchwindowssecurity.techtarget.com/expert/KnowledgebaseAnswer/0,289625,sid45_gci1007131_tax299886,00.html?bucket=ETA&topic=299886|||Thanks Greg, however this link seems to relate to making sure the ASP.NET account has the appropriate permissions on both the web server and the database. In my situation, the account (sqluser) has the correct permissions for the database. The database and report server/IIS are both on the same box if that matters.

In fact, and this is what is really confusing me, everything works just fine for weeks on end...then without warning I start getting these errors and the jobs fail. Same account, same reports, same schedules, same recipients...nothing has changed, yet something has caused these errors. Any other thoughts?

Do you think it could be a DOS attack?

Is it happening the same day of the week? Same time of day?

How many "accounts" are accessing the server? Some versions of SQL have a max amount of connections before it denies access.

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